LHCS Site Council Update
Monday, October 6, 2014 6:15 AM


This posting is the first in a new monthly series created for The Connection by the LHCS Site Council.  In an effort to increase communication between the Site Council and LHCS community, a brief overview of the monthly meetings will be posted here.  Meeting minutes will continue to be posted on the Site Council web page, but in an effort to communicate more efficiently, this posting will give a snapshot of current issues and important updates.

This is a good posting to read if you are interested in the bigger picture at LHCS including MPS district news, school budget issues, academic achievement, community outreach, equity, and advocacy opportunities.

What is Site Council?

The Lake Harriet Community School (LHCS) Site Council is the school’s site leadership team.  Site Council members include LHCS parents, teachers from each campus, and the upper and lower campus principals.  Site Council parent members are elected and the administrators appoint teacher members.  As the advisory and planning body for LHCS, it is a forum for staff and parents to provide feedback about decisions that the administration needs to make, and to support student achievement.

For more information about Site Council, including access to meeting minutes, click here.

How do I become a Site Council member?

Each May, parents have the opportunity to apply for Site Council.  A call for applicants is posted on the school website and in The Connection.  All applications are reviewed by the Site Council nominating committee made up of current members.  Nominations are brought to the larger group and voted upon.  Site Council is a 2-year commitment.

Are there other ways to be involved with Site Council?

Yes!  Within Site Council there are five subcommittees that focus on specific issues and tasks.  Click here to link to a list of the subcommittees with descriptions and contact information.