LHCS Site Council Update
Monday, February 23, 2015 6:15 AM


Highlights from Site Council meeting Tuesday, February 17, 2015


 Lower Campus:

TESTING Preparations have begun for spring MCA and MAP testing.  Staff who will administer the tests are currently being retrained due to a District change in the testing vendor (now Pearson).  MCA testing starts in March at lower campus and MAP testing begins in May.  DCD students will also be testing in the spring. 

BUZZ TEAM UPDATE: The lower campus BUZZ TEAM has organized a special visit from an Irish dance group to help students celebrate St. Patrick’s Day March 17th.

SUMMER PROGRAMS: It’s going to be a busy summer at lower campus!  LHCS lower campus is the site for the MPS summer school program for our attendance area.  350 students will be attending LHCS this summer as part of the summer school program.  Minneapolis Kids will also be located at lower campus. 

Upper Campus

BARNEBIRKIE: February 20-22nd is Barnebirkie weekend!!  That’s means it’s time for Mr. DePerry and 52 middle school students to head north.  The Barnebirkie is the largest kids cross-country ski race in North America.  Mr. DePerry takes a group of middle school students each year to enjoy a weekend of Native American culture and cross-country ski racing. 

EXTRACURRICULAR PROGRAMS: Congratulations to LHCS GEMS/GISE teams who placed at the state competition and to our Knowledge Bowl teams who did amazing at their fourth and final meet at Northdale Middle School in Coon Rapids on February 5th.  Our three LHCS teams finished 2nd, 4th, and 7th out of 65 total teams!

6th GRADE EDUCATION RETREAT: Our Middle School team has decided that 6th grade is the perfect year to build relationships and strengthen science skills by attending a two-night education retreat at Camp St. Croix March 18 and 19.  Following is a link to Camp St. Croix’s website that provides more detail about the camp. Click here.

SUMMER PROGRAMS: Due to Southwest High School expansion construction, the Southwest Community Education’s Super Summer Program will be held at LHCS upper campus this summer. 


Site Council will begin accepting applications for new parent members in March.  If you are interested, or think you might be interested in joining the Site Council, consider completing an application.  Not sure?  Check out the Site Council web page  and sub-committee descriptions  to learn more about what Site Council does at our school and how you might be more involved. 

The next Site Council meeting is Tuesday, March 24 from 5-7pm in the Upper Campus media center.  This meeting will be a budget meeting.  Parents are welcome. 

For more information about Site Council, including access to meeting minutes, click here.