Lower Campus After School Activities
Tuesday, October 24, 2017 1:25 AM


Lower Campus Families - Talk to your child’s teacher to see if GISE, GEMS or After School Adventures (formally called ALC) would be a great learning opportunity and environment for your student. Classes start on Oct. 24th and are held every Tuesday and Thursday from 4:00-5:30p.m.


After School Adventures  (Grades K-3)

·         Story on a Stick is a project-based module designed to integrate literacy and theater (puppetry).  Teachers will choose the ELA standards and pathway that best supports the needs of their student’s literacy and social emotional growth.  Students will be working independently, with a partner and in a group of four students.  In addition to focusing on MN state standards, teachers are encouraged to consider the following 21th Century Skills: creativity, collaboration, critical thinking and communication as they work with students.

·         Mandala The mathematics of mandala is a project based course that supports student’s growth in the mathematics strand of geometry.  Students will also engage in the following 21th Century Skills in the process of designing and creating their own mandalas


GISE and GEMS (3rd Grade only)

·         GEMS - Girls in Engineering, Math and Science

·         GISE - Guys in Science and Engineering

This program is for students who are interested in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math using team-based, hands-on projects. This class is for 3rd Grade only.


Question?  Contact Travis Jansen the Lower campus Coordinator.