Lower Campus Parent Pickup changes
Monday, August 25, 2014 6:25 AM


Parent Morning Drop Off Procedure at Lower Campus

For student safety, 41st street on the north side (going west) in front of the main door is a Drop Off Zone only.  If you need to get out of your car to walk your child into the building, please park on the south side of 41st Street across from the school or on adjacent streets.  This will help with the dangerous conditions of congested traffic in the morning.

 Parent Afternoon Pick Up Procedure at Lower Campus

 *for kids not taking the bus home:

Parent pick up is at 3:50pm on 41st street in front of the school. Teachers will bring the students to the Parent Pick Up (41st Street) either before they walk students to the buses or after, depending on which school door they exit from.  

The students who have not been picked up will be brought back into the commons area of the school building (nearest to the office) until parents arrive.  Parents late to pick up students will need to identify themselves  with an ID and then sign out their own students only.

We ask all parents to stay off the sidewalk on 41st to allow safe and organized movement of classes.  Please remember that all buses need to depart by 4:05 p.m. to get to the Upper Campus.