Lower Campus Safety Reminder
Monday, February 4, 2013 6:50 AM


Dear Parents,

Due to the construction at the lower campus this year, buses unload and load on Drew Avenue.  It is posted as NO PARKING 9 AM-5PM on school days.  This is not always being observed.  Even stopping to drop students off by the door causes buses to be unable to park.  Often, cars park on the other side of Drew, or just stop in the street to allow their student to run across the street in front of arriving buses, or going in between parked buses.  Bus drivers have had to brake, in order to let students and parents cross.  The only safe place to cross is in the designated crosswalk at 41st & Drew.  It is especially hazardous during this winter season when streets and boulevards are icy.  Bus drivers cannot be responsible for pedestrians crossing in the middle of the street.

The most important bus safety rule we teach, is to stay out of the Danger Zone.  That is an area 10 feet around the bus in every direction.  At dismissal time we frequently have parents taking children between parked buses to get to their cars.  This is extremely dangerous.  Please model what we practice everyday at school:  BE SAFE.  STAY OUT OF THE DANGER ZONES.

Thank you for your cooperation.
Paula Stoltz
Transportation Coordinator Lake Harriet Lower