Middle School Specialist Sign-up
Monday, August 25, 2014 6:50 AM

Hello Middle School Families.

We have created a sign-up form using a website called Sign-up Genius. Please select your first choice for your Wednesday specialist class. All students should choose one Wednesday class. If you wish to also be in band/orchestra or choir you should indicate that choice too. On the second page, please indicate student first and last name and indicate your second choice. You do not need to create an account. Simply click on "Sign up now" and you are done.

Please see below for a brief description of the classes. Here is the link for signing up: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0449aba62ca4fa7-specialist

If you would prefer to sign up directly with school, please call the office or send an e-mail or letter to school.

If we are unable to honor first or second choices, we will contact those students directly. New schedules will be available after Labor Day.  Please sign up by Thursday at 8:00 am so we can start changing schedules.

Wednesday Options:

Advanced PE (Mr. DePerry) - students in this class will cover some units not covered in regular PE, they will engage in more rigorous exercise activities and they will work toward completing a mini-triathlon in the Spring (grades 7-8).

Art Projects (Mr. Palm) - students will have time and material to create art works on their own, plus they will have time to work more deeply on works they might have started in regular art class.

Dare 2 Be Real - students will work with Ms. Tarneka and will have an opportunity to explore the questions, "who am I"? "how are we alike?" and "how are we different?"  The curriculum was developed by WMEP as a way for students to learn more about each other's background, develop empathy and understanding, and be leaders for equity.

News Alive Crew - this year our news production crew will work with our new Associate Educator, Robert French, to develop story ideas and record news updates for the News Alive podcast.

Rock Band (Ms. Cuff) - Students will learn instruments and then work in small groups to write songs.

Study Hall (Ms. Zeltinger) - this class is for students who want additional help with their classes.  Ms. Zeltinger will help students with their assignments, study skills, and organization.

More Details for music (band/orchestra/choir) students: If a student chooses band/orchestra or choir he/she may end up missing a STEM, Art or PE class, depending on the Wednesday elective.  For example, a band student would have band Mon and Tues, could have News Alive Wednesday, and then would have PE and Art of Thurs/Fri - missing STEM.  Another student might have STEM and Art on Mon/Tues, Advanced PE on Wednesday and Choir on Thurs/Fri, not missing any courses.  We understand that this is not an ideal situation, but it is a transition toward a schedule that will allow for more focused time in specialty music classes, as well as having exposure to a wide range of experiences.  Please do not hesitate to ask questions as they come up.  Thank you.