Music Concert Information for Upper Campus
Monday, December 3, 2012 6:15 AM


Music Concert Information for 3rd, 4th and 5th graders

We are moving the vocal music concert schedule to Wednesday, January 16 at 5pm. This will be in place of Cafe Concerts for grades 3-5 (originally scheduled for the March 4-15).
The 3rd-5th Grade Winter Music Spotlight will take place in the gym on the stage from 5-6:30pm (we may finish earlier). There will be no Cafe Concerts for grade 3-5 in March.
Any questions, please email me. (
Jennifer Cuff, UC Music Specialist
Music Concert Information for 7th and 8th graders
Choir and Rock Band will be performing at the Black History Celebration on Tuesday, February 12 at 2:30pm in the gym on the stage.
Any questions, please email me. (
Jennifer Cuff, UC Music Specialist