October is Anti-Bullying month
Monday, October 22, 2012 6:45 AM


This is a time when communities can unite nationwide to raise awareness of bullying prevention through events, activities, outreach, and education. 


PACER’s website (http://www.pacer.org/bullying/nbpm/) has a variety of resources for use during October — and throughout the year — to engage, educate, and inspire others to join the movement and prevent bullying where you live. 

·       LHCS Anti-Bullying rules: 

·       We do not bully other students. 

·       We help students who are bullied. 

·       We include students who are left out. 

·       We tell an adult at school and home when somebody is being bullied. 

·       We will also be reminding students to report bully behavior they witness or experience. 


Remember, bullying is defined as when one or more people repeatedly harm, harass, intimidate, or exclude others. Bullying is unfair and one-sided. Bullying includes both direct (e.g., physical aggression, verbal abuse) and indirect (e.g., gossip, nasty looks, texting) forms. Bullying can be reported to any staff member or via a school form in the main office or on the Lake Harriet web page.

A number of LHSC Student wore orange on October 10, in recognition of Anti-Bullying month.