Please Adhere to Drop-Off/Pick-Up Policies at Upper Campus
Tuesday, April 10, 2018 12:30 AM


At Upper Campus during bus times, drop offs and pickups are not allowed on Vincent Avenue. Students should be dropped off on the east side (school side) of Washburn Avenue. This means if you are dropping off a student, you should be driving north on Washburn.  If you are driving south to get to school on Xerxes, turn on 48th Street and drop off students at the corner/curve of 49th and Washburn.  Students should not cross in the middle of Washburn to get to school. This is not safe for students.


We ask that you also follow these basic safety guidelines when dropping off or picking up students:

  • Don't double park; it blocks visibility for other children and vehicles
  • Don't load or unload children across the street from the school
  • Don’t cross in the middle of the street, rather always cross at intersections or designated crosswalks
  • No standing. Please drive away after dropping off your student to keep traffic moving. (Please do not use the drop-off zone as a time to check your phone.)

Thank you for keeping our students safe!