Principals’ News and Notes
Tuesday, August 22, 2017 6:50 AM


August has arrived! The Lake Harriet administrative team is back in action after taking some time off to enjoy summer. Mrs. Tilleson celebrated 4th of July with family on Lake Superior, Mr. Schleisman hiked with his family near Two Harbors and Ms. Gillingham escaped to a lake in Northern Wisconsin.


As we plan and prepare for the upcoming school year, we are excited to welcome teachers back on August 21 and students and families at our upcoming open houses, August 23 (Upper) and August 24 (Lower).  We have several great events to look forward to this year, including a joint Peace Day celebration on September 21.  Lastly, you will notice that construction on the lower campus office is still in progress and we hope to have the office completed by August 22.  Until then, we will be using the art room for the office and ask for your patience during this transition.  


Our school community will be kicking off the school year focused on learning and we will do this by limiting distractions from cell phones, personal electronics and fidget spinners:


·        Cell Phone and Electronics Policy The school will follow the personal electronics policy (6415B) of Minneapolis Public Schools.  The full policy can be found on the district website.  One key point: “Personally owned devices are brought to school and used by students at their own risk; the District accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to personally owned devices brought to school by students.” 

·        At Lake Harriet, students will leave devices at home or lock devices in lockers during the school day (9:25 – 4:10).  Cell phones and electronic devices will not be used in the classroom, cafeteria, other common areas, lunch/recess, bathrooms or hallways.  We ask that families and students use the main office when communicating messages from home or school.   


·        Students using phones or electronic devices without authorization for the first time will be asked to surrender his/her phone to the teacher and can pick up the phone at the end of the day.  The second time the phone will need to be picked up by a parent/guardian in the main office.  The third time there will be a meeting with administration to create a personal electronics plan/contract.


·        Fidget Spinners and Thinking Putty Fidget Spinners and Thinking Putty will not be allowed at Upper or Lower campus for the 2017-2018 school year.  We will work with our school social workers and school psychologist to provide other (less toy-like) fidgets to help students with focus, if needed.  


We look forward to a great year of learning! See you soon!


Merry Tilleson, Principal LHCS Lower Campus

Walter Schliesman, Principal LHCS Upper Campus

Ashley Gillingham, Assistant Principal, LHCS