Read-a-Thon book ideas and events:
Tuesday, February 13, 2018 5:30 AM


It’s not too late sign up – check out the new website we’re using this year!!  Looking for some good books to read for the Read-a-thon? Check out books nominated for the Maud Hart Lovelace and Star of the North book awards available in both the Upper and Lower Campus Media Centers.


Upcoming dates

  • Thursday, Feb 15th - Mismatch Day - Dress up in wild colors, mismatched shoes, different colored socks or different patterns (for example, stripes with polka dots, colors that clash, etc.)
  • Next Tuesday, February 20th Author night, 6:30-7:30pm in the Lower Campus Cafeteria. This year, Rick Chrustowski will share how he turns his ideas into a book.
  • February 22 and 23rd – Used Book Sale! 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM in the Atrium area at both Upper and Lower Campus. Please send money with your kids - books will be priced $.50 - $1.00 – parents are welcome to shop as well! (Books and board games are still being accepted at both campuses, although board games will only be sold at UC)
  • We need volunteers!! (at the Used Book Sale, Author Night, etc.) to make our Read-a-Thon a success - please sign up to help!!


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