Read-A-Thon Fundraising Update - Keep Going!
Tuesday, February 19, 2019 5:45 AM

The Lake Harriet Read-A-Thon is almost half way to our goal but we need your help to make it. Please continue to share your student’s link with family and friends. All money raised will go towards funding spring grant requests from teachers and staff (field trips, Bakken partnership, Art Adventure, Camp St. Croix, dulcimer project, History Day Emeritus and more!). Thank you!
  • Dress Up as Your Favorite Literary Character Day has been moved to Monday, February 25th! 
  • Used Book Sale: February 28th and March 1st, both campuses. We are still collecting book, puzzle, and complete board game donations at both campuses - boxes are located outside the media centers.
We still need volunteers for the book sale - please visit the signupgenius to help out. 
Please email Nikki Niermann with any questions. Thank you!