Safety First!
Monday, September 29, 2014 6:30 AM


By Merry Tilleson, Principal

I want to thank all of the parents who drop off and pick up their students for working with us as we continue to tweak our pick up/drop off system his year.  Each day is better than the day before!

We have a new sandwich board sign that our Engineers put out each morning.  It reads “Drop off and Pick up only”- we ask that all drop off and pick up happen on 41st.

Please note that our staff has been instructed to walk their classes outside at the end of each day.  They walk to both the parent pick up and buses.

This is where you should be waiting:

  • 1st grade parents stand near Door 2.
  • 2nd grade parents stand near the main entrance.
  • 3rd grade parents stand near the flag pole.
  • Multiple children please stand at the corner of 41st and Chowen.

Kindergarten parents stand around the corner on Chowen in front of the buses.

Please try not to block the sidewalk when the classes are passing.  As the weather changes make arrangements with your child’s teacher and your child as to where you will be as most of you will be driving up and not wanting to get out of your cars.

Our teachers have been asked to make sure that you and the teacher have made some kind of contact before your child leaves them and runs over to you.

We are collecting any students that have not been picked up after the last bus pulls away at 4:05 p.m. and they will be in Room 123 where you will need to go in and sign them out.  I have had to institute this new system for safety as we do not have enough staff to maintain the sign out system that was tried last year.  I want to thank you all for being on time and picking your children up in a timely fashion.  Please remember that I do not have staff to sit with the children past 4:30 p.m.  If you are running late you must contact the main office before to let us know. 

Remember safety first:  I am also asking that if your child uses a scooter or bike or similar vehicle after school to please wait until they have safely crossed the street before getting on it to ride.  We have congested sidewalks and have had a few near misses of scooters hitting folks on the sidewalk.