School of Excellence Celebration at the Convention Center
Monday, June 2, 2014 6:40 AM


Lake Harriet Community School Celebrates their School of Excellence Designation at the Convention Center!

Save the Date: June 4th –

LHCS is planning to celebrate the School of Excellence award with a huge pep fest rally at the Convention Center on June 4th from 10:30-11:30am.  We plan to celebrate our great school and would love it if families come to celebrate with us.  We will also invite local dignitaries as well.  Students will be bussed to and from the event.  Look for permission slips to come home soon.

Here are some details. More information will be coming soon:

It would be fun if LHCS students, staff and parents would wear LHCS Spirit Wear, if they have it.   Spirit Wear is always on sale at here.  We even have a new "I LHCS" style with the School of Excellence Logo on it.

Students must be checked in at school and take the bus to and from the event in order to attend, even if their families are also going.

Kindergarten: Morning kindergarten, MPLSKids and staff will given a bus to take them to and from the event.  MPS Kids will be with the MPS staff throughout the event.  Morning Kindergarten classes will be brought back from the celebration in time for their regular buses home from school. PM Kindergarteners who are NOT in MPS Kids will be allowed to come to school at 9:30am to check in and go with their teacher to the event.   PM Kindergartners will return with their teachers and will then eat lunch (provided  by their parents) with staff during the transition time of approximately one hour before their Kindergarten class begins.

Thank you to Mr. Schleisman for thinking of the Convention Center.  Minneapolis Public Schools has already rented it for the High School graduations, and they agreed to let us use the space too!

Permission slip for PM Kindergarteners (non-mpls kids)

Permission slip for AM and full day Kindergarteners & grades 1-8