Last Chance to Share your Priorities in MPS Budget Spending!
Tuesday, November 28, 2017 12:20 AM


**LHCS Parents** Please take the survey!  It is important that the district hear our priorities as they decide upon cuts for next year's budget.


MPS Message: *Share your Values*






The costs of the programs and services we offer at MPS continue to be more than available dollars. MPS is facing a $33M shortfall for next year's budget. For MPS to build a path to financial sustainability, there will need to be program changes/reductions.  The district is asking for participation in a parent survey to understand the community's values.


**LHCS Parents** Please take the survey!  It is important that the district hear our priorities as they decide upon cuts for next year's budget.


MPS Message: *Share your Values*


We want to know what you value for your child and for all children in Minneapolis Public Schools.  If you had to make difficult budget and programming decisions, what would you do?


Please take our survey and send other input to the district from October 23 through the end of November.  MPS will post related links on our website for the following:

Results of the survey and other gathered community information will be posted on the MPS Website later this year.


Our budget should reflect our values.  Let's find our common values and put them to work for our students.  Let's be MPS Strong - together!