Spelling Bee Winner!
Monday, February 4, 2013 6:30 AM


It was a repeat for the best speller in Minneapolis Public Schools, with Lake Harriet seventh-grader Georgia Pharris defending her title at the district-wide spelling bee on Thursday, January 24, at Sullivan School. The competition was fierce with Georgia and second-place finisher Ozomatil Zarate, an eighth-grader at Marcy, trading correct answers for six rounds. Georgia successfully spelled thanatology -- the scientific study of death. Third-place winner was Alicia Gaylan, an eighth-grade student at Ann Sullivan. All 42 participants in the district-wide spelling bee could qualify for the metro competition by completing a 50-question computer-based spelling test. Up to 50 of the top scorers in the county semi-finals will qualify for the 2013 Minnesota Seven County Metro Area Regional Spelling Bee on March 2nd.