Teacher Appreciation Potluck Update
Tuesday, October 18, 2016 2:45 AM


Thank you to everyone who signed up to donate food, beverages, tableware and/or your time to our Teacher and Staff Appreciation Potlucks this Thursday, Oct. 13 and next Tuesday, Oct. 18. Upper Campus has a few outstanding needs, so please visit the signup genius page if you’d like to help out.


For Thursday’s potluck, please bring your items to the corresponding staff lounge by 4 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 13 labeled: For Conferences.


For the Oct. 18 potluck, please deliver your items by 4 p.m. that day. A special thanks to Milios Sandwiches of Linden Hills for graciously discounting our sandwich order by 50 percent for the event.


Thanks in advance for making this a great event for our amazing teachers and staff!


Questions? Email Renee Maul for lower campus or Michelle Schwartz for upper campus.