True Food Taste Test
Tuesday, November 15, 2016 6:00 AM


“We welcome all students and families in our schools and celebrate the diversity of their race, gender, religion, culture, disability and sexual orientation. We will always stay true to our values, and we will lead by example.”  - Superintendent Graf


During lunch on November 17 (UC) and 18 (LC), students will taste try a sample of Manoomin Salad! Manoomin is Ojibwe for wild rice and this taste test is in celebration of Native American Family Involvement Day on November 17th! The goals of taste tests are to get students excited to try new, flavorful foods and encourage them to think critically about their food (beyond just whether they like or dislike it). Students will have a chance to participate in the New Name Contest to rename the dish when it’s served on our menu.


For more information and the full recipe, visit


Taste Tests are made possible by the Wedge Community Co-op.