Urgent Action Needed
Thursday, March 14, 2013 11:30 AM

Dear LHCS Community,
We must have our voices heard before tomorrow's open meeting of the Minneapolis School Board Finance Committee (Friday, March 15, 2013 at 8:30 am at the District Office, 1250 W. Broadway).  Please send an email or leave a voicemail message to board members before that meeting asking them to reject the budget.  Find their email addresses below.
The 2013-14 budget for LHCS has been dictated by the Minneapolis School District with catastrophic cuts in funding that make it impossible to operate a safe and functional school at either campus and completely compromises our students’ education.
The district has cut the LHCS budget catastrophically.  Bottom line, last year's budget was bare bones. This budget is not feasible.
Many positions will be compromised or eliminated including:
- school social worker
- the school psychologist
- recess, lunch and bus monitors
- testing assistants
Operating expenses such as that allow our school to remain functional and safe would not be covered such as:
- school supplies
- copy machine
- curriculum materials
- emergency phones
- other needed items
Finally, the student/staff ratio would certainly go up for all grades.
The district’s proposed budget will affect not only the quality of our children’s education but also their daily safety. If the proposed budget stands, in emergency situations as we have experienced this year, there will be no staff to manage and control the evacuation from the building. Children who are struggling with emotional stressors or behavioral challenges in the classroom will not have a licensed mental health professional to assist them in their time of crisis and need. These cuts do not allow LHCS to provide basic services that ensure the safe and successful functioning of the school.
The School Board Finance Committee is meeting and reviewing this proposed budget on Friday, March 15, 2013 at 8:30 am.  PLEASE take the time NOW to contact our school board members imploring them to reject this budget.  Lake Harriet will be represented there to listen to the discussion.
Thank you for all you do for LHCS!
Caroline Cochran, Site Council Co-Chair, carolinec.cochran@gmail.com
Karen Knapp, PTA Co-President,   kbknapp@comcast.net
Ann Smith, PTA Co-President, annsamsmith@earthlink.net
Email all School Board members to contact immediately:


Or contact them individually using this School Board member contact list: 
Alberto Monserrate
Jenny Arneson
Richard Mammen
Rebecca Gagnon
Tracine Asberry
Carla Bates
Kim Ellison
Josh Reimnitz
Hussein Samatar