Tuesday, September 6, 2016 6:35 AM


Parent involvement is a key component of student success.  If you are a parent,
 grandparent or guardian please consider volunteering at LHCS.  To find out about volunteer opportunities, please subscribe to the school newsletter, watch for emails about volunteering from the school PTA and for emails from your student’s classroom teacher
 or room representative.    

All volunteers must complete a Volunteer Form.  This form needs to be completed
 just once and can be done online at http://lakeharriet.mpls.k12.mn.us/volunteer
  If you have completed this form in the past 9 years, you do not need to do so again unless you have personal information that needs to be updated.

All volunteers must review the Minneapolis Public Schools Volunteer Policy that
 can be found here http://volmps.mpls.k12.mn.us/uploads/mps_policies_procedures.pdf
  When you complete the Volunteer Form you are confirming that you have read and agree to the MPS Volunteer Policies.

Anxious to get started?  Click here

 to sign up for project leadership opportunities with the PTA and watch for those emails…