Why $150,000?
The PTA raises money with  multiple fundraisers that lasted all year long. This year we would like to match what we made last year (by December 31, 2017) because every penny was allocated to enrichment, programming, and valuable school events. We would like to continue all of our wonderful programs at Lake Harriet, and to do so we need to reach our $150,000 goal.
How much should I give?
We are asking families to be generous and give what they can. If each family at Lake Harriet gave at the $200 level, we would reach our goal. But realistically, families will range greatly in what they are able to contribute and therefore we welcome any donation. Our goal is 100% participation, so please give what you can.
What does the PTA do with the money?
The PTA supports many programs that enrich and enhance the classroom and our community. This year, the PTA is supporting valuable staff positions such as middle grades strings and the teacher emeritus positions that reduce the student-teacher ratio in math and reading. We help buy extra art supplies, novels, books, maps, science kits, musical instruments and gym equipment.
The PTA also pays for the annual Ice Cream Social, and other activities that bring our school and families together. Below are just some of the programs that we are supporting this year:
Middle School Orchestra                   
Art Adventure
LC Teacher Emeritus – Reading
STEM Curriculum materials
UC/LC Media Center
Classroom Enrichment
UC Teacher Emeritus – Science
Accelerated Reading
Junior Great Books
First Lego League Robotics
Teacher Stipends
Midwest Food Connection
Chess Club
Science & Learning Fair
The Bakken Partnership
Diversity Programs
Upstream Arts
and much, much more
How do I make a donation?
You may donate by cash, check or credit card. To donate online at our secure site, by credit card or direct check click here. You can also mail in your donation in a pre-addressed envelope included with the Pledge Drive brochure this fall, or simply send it to school with your child. There will also be a donation box located in each of the main offices on both campuses during the pledge drive.
How can we justify raising money for Lake Harriet when other schools in our city have much higher rates of poverty?
The state and federal governments give schools with high poverty more dollars per student than Lake Harriet receives - up to 50% more. This makes sense, as children in poverty often have more needs and less outside funding sources. But that also means that Lake Harriet Community School receives one of the lowest allowances in the district. PTA fundraising helps to make up for the hundreds of thousands of dollars LHCS doesn't receive in government funding so we can maintain the high quality education and programs we enjoy at Lake Harriet.
In this era of tight state funding, your contributions matter more than ever before. This year, PTA funds are helping to support critical staff positions in addition to the many extracurricular and enrichment activities available at Lake Harriet.