Levels 3 & 4

Levels 3 & 4 - Services for students 
identified as Advanced Learners

Level III:
Some students with advanced learning needs require services beyond Levels I and II.  The core curriculum is differentiated by the classroom teacher trained to provide greater depth, complexity, novelty and/or pacing based on individual strengths, talents and sustained interests. Instructional practices for advanced learners and grouping are emphasized at this level.

    Who:  Students identified as advanced learners
    What:  Emphasis on qualitative differentiation of the core curriculum with depth, complexity, novelty, and pacing.
       •  Grouping for core instruction
                 (Leveled Reading, Math and Spelling Groups - grades K-3; Advanced Math Pathways at Upper Campus)
       •  Content with added depth and complexity
       •  Focus on critical and creative thinking to solve complex problems within the core content
       •  Development of advanced research and product development skills

Level IV:
A few advanced learners whose learning needs surpass the curriculum enhancements at Levels I-III might require more individualized services. This may include grade or subject acceleration, individualized learning plans, courses of independent study, or apprenticeship opportunities when appropriate.

    Who: Identified students whose needs surpass curricular enhancements/ extensions available in a grade level or subject area
    What: Emphasis on subject or grade acceleration and/or individual learning plans
        Full grade or subject acceleration
                 • Advanced Math Pathways for grades 4-8,
                 • University of Minnesota Talented Youth Mathematics Program - "UMTYMP")
        Mentorships / Apprenticeships
        Independent study

Additional Information about services may be available at each grade level page.

Level 3 and 4 Examples